Tag: Robert Downey Jr


‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ Meets and Beats Expectations

Spider-Man: Homecoming succeeds in giving fans a fresh and charming take on the iconic webslinger, now fully at home in the Marvel Cinematic Universe When the first trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming dropped back in December, my biggest complaint was that so much of what I saw felt like it was lifted from the still-new Spider-Man of the comics, a/k/a Miles… Read more →


‘Captain America: Civil War’ Is Good Not Great

At times sublime and other times frustrating, Captain America: Civil War is an imperfect film that still manages to soar above the competition Because of the polemic nature of reviews these days, let it be known upfront that Captain America: Civil War is a stunning, ambitious film well worth your time and money. Now that you know that this is a… Read more →


Final ‘Captain America: Civil War’ Trailer is Spidey-Tastic

The final trailer for the upcoming Captain America: Civil War is now live, and dear god, Spider-Man looks damn good “I can do this all day.” So can we, Cap…so can we. We’re only a month and a half from the release of Captain America: Civil War, and while we’ve seen more than enough to make this a must-see film, up until… Read more →

“Avengers: Age of Ultron”: Twice the Action, Half the Plot

Writer/director Joss Whedon’s swan song in the Marvel Cinematic Universe manages to hit a number of high notes, but ultimately feels like a film much smaller than it should be as it serves as a bridge to other films and bigger concepts. Avengers: Age of Ultron was supposed to be Joss Whedon’s victory lap. Instead it serves as proof that… Read more →