Month: September 2014

Episode 178: The Tyranny of the Pizza Cake, or, “How Do You Spell NFL? CTE.”


On this edition of the Never Daunted Radio Network, Shimbo comes back from a long self-imposed hiatus with the promise of bringing the show back to basics in order to ensure listeners get what they want: more episodes. Next, ever heard of Pizza Cake? Be lucky if you haven’t. Shimbo takes you inside the latest fad for current and future… Read more →

Gun Owner Shoots at a House Because He Has No Idea How to Unload a Gun

by Shimbo In case you needed any more proof that maybe, just maybe we have a problem with guns in America, please turn your attention to Exhibit 6,772: George Byrd IV, a 31-year-old convicted felon, was accused shooting into a neighbor’s window, because it was the only way he knew how to unload the gun in his possession. Initially, Byrd denied firing the… Read more →

But Where’s the White Suit? ESPN Lets Ray Lewis Talk About Cover-Ups With a Straight Face

by Shimbo Seriously, what is ESPN trying to prove? As they have throughout the entire Ray Rice affair, the World Wide Leader continues to trot out former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis to give his unique perspective on the league as it pertains to how crime and punishment are dealt with. And he should know. Lewis escaped a murder charge of… Read more →

Two Tears in the Bucket: Alaskan TV Reporter is Your New Hero

by Shimbo “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” When Laurel Thatcher Ulrich coined the phrase that launched thousands of feminist ships, it’s doubtful she ever thought just how far that would go. Case in point, now ex-KTVA reporter Charlo Greene, who decided to quit during last night’s 10pm broadcast in what could be best described as one of the more interesting… Read more →

Know When to Say When: Anheuser-Busch Statement on NFL Drips Irony

by Shimbo In the wake of recent incidents of domestic violence and alleged child abuse plaguing the NFL, it was only a matter of time before sponsors would be called upon to ask for accountability in terms of where their money goes. While little was heard from sponsors during the Ray Rice fiasco, which is ongoing, outside of “cautious” statements,… Read more →