Month: May 2014

Nothing More Dangerous Than a Pair of Perfect Tits: MPAA Bans Sin City Poster For Being Too Phenomenal

Sometimes I think our priorities are completely screwed up. In a decision that makes sense to no one but Puritans and jealous housewives, A poster advertising the upcoming Sin City sequel, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, has been banned by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) because the featured star Eva Green is pictured holding a cocked gun. Nope, that’s… Read more →

Get This Man a Kickstarter Immediately: Australian Man Needs Surgery to Save His Inverted Penis From His Watermelon-Sized Scrotum

Often when you find yourself going through a tough time or bitter inconvenience, there’s usually some jagoff ready to tell you that there’s always someone out there having it worse than you, half heartedly trying to console you with the sort of condescending smug look on their face that you have to fight the urge to wipe off with a… Read more →

Soft As Baby Shit: American Kids Are Weaker Than Ever

For those of you who don’t already know, I’m a lazy fat fuck. My body aches every day from a combination of old injuries and general atrophy. My days of solid and fruitful activity are behind me, but the last thing I would ever personally want to see is the generations that come behind me fall prey to the same traps… Read more →

A Picture of True Misogyny: Pakistani Woman is Stoned to Death Simply for Marrying the Man she Loved

The world we live in is both dark and brutish. As people, we make the world that much worse by defining ourselves through the way which we treat others, most of which is ruled by ignorant adherence to myth, legend and backward customs. And for what? To stake a claim of divine superiority over other people, cultures…and even one’s one family?… Read more →

Fifty Shades of Crotch Rot: Is Mommy Porn to Blame for STI Increase in Old People?

Between you and me, I’m all about that MILF life. There are very few things hotter than picturing a hot older woman, you know, not grandma hot, not decrepit hot, but sorta like a ‘Silver Fox’ hot. Maybe I’m just paying attention more, but lately, it seems like I’m running into more and more older ladies who qualify as totally… Read more →