Tag: Hypocrisy

But Where’s the White Suit? ESPN Lets Ray Lewis Talk About Cover-Ups With a Straight Face

by Shimbo Seriously, what is ESPN trying to prove? As they have throughout the entire Ray Rice affair, the World Wide Leader continues to trot out former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis to give his unique perspective on the league as it pertains to how crime and punishment are dealt with. And he should know. Lewis escaped a murder charge of… Read more →

Well, Praise the Lord: Author of “Freedom from Homosexuality” Arrested For Raping a Boy

There are some days where you just have to throw your hands up and say, “uncle”. I’ve never been one for religion, particularly because how easy “the word of God” is used to shield scoundrels. If God is your bag, have at it, but I asked to be dealt out of that game awhile ago. And it’s news like a… Read more →


Selective Outrage Strikes Again: Texas Cheerleader/Huntress Turns Everyone Into Armchair Activists

Politics absolutely makes for strange bedfellows. I’m relatively clear about my feelings towards guns, gun culture and many of the issues that surround it. I’m not a huge fan, and yet, I don’t feel as if we should take every gun from every hand. When I say, “we have to get the guns”, I actually don’t mean all of them…just… Read more →

The Swift-Boating of Bowe Bergdahl

War is hell. It’s never been any other way. Before we dive in with the umpteenth discussion on recently released POW Bowe Bergdahl from his five-year captivity, I’d like to first share some facts with you. Since the Iraq and Afghanistan wars began, 211,819 combat veterans serving in the US Armed Forces were treated by the VA for post-traumatic stress disorder… Read more →

Patton Oswalt

People are Stupid Idiots: Pearl Clutching 101, or, “The Passion of the Oswalt”

Patton Oswalt is a genius. Now I don’t say this as some sycophantic fan, or online devotee. To be honest with you, I can count on one hand how many of his comedy specials I’ve seen and I can count the number of movies/TV shows he’s been on using an abacus (don’t ask me to demonstrate, abacus time is private… Read more →