The Never Daunted Radio Network is actively seeking contributors to both the podcast and the site itself.  Submit your story proposals or documents to with the headline “Submission.”  Please include a bio and headshot to appear at the bottom of your post as well as any links to personal pages or social media accounts that you would like us to promote.  If we think you’re a good fit, we’ll get back to you within two weeks.  If not, you know why (or we’re just being lazy).


SEMI-FAQ (If people were actually asking these questions)

What does it take to be a contributor?

In short, thick skin, a sense of humor and most importantly…RELIABILITY. The mission of the Never Daunted Radio Network is to provide diverse, perplexing and hilarious material, and in order to do that we need funny people, but we also need people who are serious about generating content. There is no limit to how much someone may contribute, so long as they DO IT ON TIME. We are particularly interested in featuring correspondents from everywhere, for both the podcast and written content to be featured on the site.


Is there compensation for contributing?

Currently we do not offer upfront compensation for submitted articles


What sorts of submissions are you looking for?

Right now, we are looking for both contributors to the podcast and written content creators. As the main focus of the website is the blog, the primary contributions would be for the podcast. The expectation is that your segment will be recorded and both editable and audible. We also would like to have written content in the form of essays, articles and reviews. If it’s worth printing or placing onto the podcast…we want it.


How often do I need to contribute?

New episodes of the podcast will usually appear on Mondays and Thursdays, so if you’re a podcast contributor, your material should be submitted no less than 24 hours before the premiere of the episode in which the material is scheduled to appear. As for the rest of the site, you can contribute one, twice or whatever works for you. For us, it’s about quality, so if you need a little extra time to get your submission trump tight, have at it. All we ask is that you stick to your promised delivery dates as best as you can.


Will you accept material that has been previously published?

If you send in material that has been previously published, for Christ’s sake…make sure it’s yours. As for recorded content, unless it’s music, we prefer not rerunning audio from another podcast.


Can I repost my article on my personal blog or portfolio?

Written articles can be reposted with permission. All we ask is that you note where the content originally appeared, linking back to NeverDaunted.Net. Naturally, if you record audio for the show, that content is married to the show and cannot be used individually. However, you are certainly free to link or embed the entire episode your work appears on wherever you like.