Tag: TV


Yes, Succession is Returning for a Season Four, But Should It?

While it’s a no-brainer that HBO’s hottest (and right now best) show is returning, the question is, after a note perfect season three finale, should it? Many faithful viewers of HBO’s blockbuster series Succession are still reeling the day after Season Three’s epic finale where we see embattled patriarch Logan Roy (Brian Cox) reduce his children to figurative ashes during… Read more →

Two Tears in the Bucket: Alaskan TV Reporter is Your New Hero

by Shimbo “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” When Laurel Thatcher Ulrich coined the phrase that launched thousands of feminist ships, it’s doubtful she ever thought just how far that would go. Case in point, now ex-KTVA reporter Charlo Greene, who decided to quit during last night’s 10pm broadcast in what could be best described as one of the more interesting… Read more →