Tag: Science


Stephen Hawking: Death of a Poon Hound

The sudden news of the death of renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking set in motion what usually happens when someone important dies: exceedingly reverential bleating. Why not celebrate the thing that made him most human? Stephen Hawking just died, surrounded by family and friends, after a long and arduous, yet fruitful life burdened physically since his 20’s, a victim of amyotrophic… Read more →


Pro-Pot Group to Smokeout Obama for Change

A local pro-pot group calls for President Obama to completely deschedule the plant with an act of “civil disobedience” by consuming marijuana outside of the White House. Problem is, the grounds in and around the White House are federal property and therefore completely off limits to marijuana. But it’s a risk this pro-pot group is willing to take in order to draw… Read more →

‘Interstellar’ is a Triumph and This Generation’s ‘Odyssey’

by Shimbo You and I will never see space. Chances are, our children won’t see it either. For us, tales of space exploration, real exploration, will only ever be fables we tell our grandchildren before they tuck away for the night. It’s this longing for space, for the unknown, that drove (and continues to drive) science fiction for decades. From The… Read more →