Tag: Justice

Episode 184: Black Lives Matter, or, “The Passion of the Cos”


Tonight on a justice-seeking edition of the Never Daunted Radio Network, we return from our self-imposed month-long hiatus to discuss the latest goings on in Ferguson and New York City in the wake of two grand juries choosing not to indict the officers involved in the deaths of unarmed black males. We’ll take our time making a case for change… Read more →

When It Comes to Ferguson, Don’t Let the Media Do the Thinking For You

by Shimbo The grand jury tasked with determining if Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson should be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Wilson reached a decision today, however, it’s believed that said decision was reached as early as Friday of last week. Starting with news that Wilson met over the weekend with various interviewers and broadcasters, seemingly setting off a… Read more →

Episode 182: Definitely Not OK Cupid, or, “The Tell-Tale MacBook”


On a “love means never having to sweep your chimney” edition of the Never Daunted Radio Network, your humble host decides it’s time to go back to the basics of #DontBeDumb with a couple tales of completely avoidable stupidity, the likes of which haven’t been seen all season. First up, a woman was rescued from a chimney at a home… Read more →

Is GamerGate the Devil We Know, or the One We Assume?

by Ed Button One of the bigger topics online recently, at least in the world of Twitter, is #GamerGate. Regardless of familiarity with video games, there are valid points being brought up concerning ethics and the future of journalism, specifically video game journalism. Some say that those using the #GamerGate hashtag are sexist pigs looking to purge the gaming industry of women,… Read more →