Tag: Hillary Clinton


Fear and Loathing on Another Super Tuesday

In the wake of another Super Tuesday where Donald Trump rampaged and Marco Rubio consigned himself to a watery grave, we share a few choice observations Somewhere, Marco Rubio is staring in a mirror after another Super Tuesday defeat. For the first time in months, he recognizes who he sees in the reflection, but it’ll take awhile to be OK… Read more →


Democratic Socialism Wins As Bernie Takes New Hampshire

As expected, Bernie Sanders runs away with the New Hampshire primary, but Hillary Clinton is far from finished As the second primary comes to a close in New Hampshire, noted Larry David impersonator Sen. Bernie Sanders sends a clear message that he’s not quite ready to crown Hillary Clinton as he takes a decisive victory with 60 percent of voters… Read more →


Iowa Caucus: Coin Flips For Hillary; O’Malley Says Goodbye

  After a night full of coin flips and concessions, Hillary Clinton takes a .3 percent lead in the Iowa Caucus over Bernie Sanders while Martin O’Malley drops out If we told you six months ago that the most contentious race at the Iowa Caucus would be the Democratic one, chances are we’d be laughed out of the room. Now, after… Read more →