Tag: Ferguson

Episode 184: Black Lives Matter, or, “The Passion of the Cos”


Tonight on a justice-seeking edition of the Never Daunted Radio Network, we return from our self-imposed month-long hiatus to discuss the latest goings on in Ferguson and New York City in the wake of two grand juries choosing not to indict the officers involved in the deaths of unarmed black males. We’ll take our time making a case for change… Read more →

When It Comes to Ferguson, Don’t Let the Media Do the Thinking For You

by Shimbo The grand jury tasked with determining if Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson should be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Wilson reached a decision today, however, it’s believed that said decision was reached as early as Friday of last week. Starting with news that Wilson met over the weekend with various interviewers and broadcasters, seemingly setting off a… Read more →

Racism in a ‘Post-Racial’ Society: How Everyone’s Losing To the Elephant in the Room

by Shimbo A joke I often told on the early episodes of the Never Daunted Radio Network came from a night of generally unfunny amateur comedy at the D.C. Improv. During one set, a kid who split his time writing for the Washington Post made a joke about living in what, at the time, was considered by some to be… Read more →

“This Is a Test. The World Is Watching.” Ed Button Examines Ferguson One Week Later

by Ed Button In last week’s article concerning Ferguson, I said it would be a long week. I severely underestimated things. So what have we learned in the week since the initial shooting? Not much more than we knew originally. We know that Michael Brown was shot and killed by the now-identified Darren Wilson and he was roughly 35 feet… Read more →

The Inconvenient Patriot: It’s Time To Look at Ferguson Protesters Differently

by Shimbo Patriot [pey-tree-uh t, -ot or, esp. British, pa-tree-uh t] noun 1. a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. 2. a person who regards himself or herself as a defender, especially of individual rights, against presumed interference by government. For too long now, the word “patriot” was synonymous with the image of… Read more →