When It Comes to Ferguson, Don’t Let the Media Do the Thinking For You

by Shimbo The grand jury tasked with determining if Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson should be indicted in the shooting death of Michael Wilson reached a decision today, however, it’s believed that said decision was reached as early as Friday of last week. Starting with news that Wilson met over the weekend with various interviewers and broadcasters, seemingly setting off a… Read more →

Bill Cosby Raped Me…Kind Of: Bridget Phetasy Shares a Story of Date Rape

by Bridget Phetasy (First appeared at Medium.com) I hate the term “rape culture.” It’s oxymoronic. There is nothing cultured about rape. It’s brutal and primitive and ignorant. It seems like the term “rape” is thrown around so loosely these days, I can’t help but bristle every time I see it in the media. If cat-calling is “rape” and looking at… Read more →

Remembering the ‘Malice at the Palace’ and the Night the NBA Lost a Piece of its Soul.

10 years ago today, the NBA saw its darkest chapter unfold. Has the league ever really recovered? It didn’t start with a shove or a fist. It started with a plastic cup of Diet Coke. *** Early this season, I found myself sitting at a Washington Wizards game here in DC. The tickets were fairly cheap on StubHub and I… Read more →

Never, Ever, Ever Getting Back Together: Taylor Swift’s Decision to Pull Her Music from Spotify Could Alienate Fans

by Morgan Hunt Last week, I experienced a huge tragedy. At the gym I noticed that my Spotify workout playlist was void of a song found on the list nearly a dozen times: Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”. I went to search for the rest of her catalog and quickly found out that it was gone. After a brief search,… Read more →

Is ‘Fling’ the Thing? Ed Button Reviews the New Social Media Messaging App

by Ed Button There’s a new social media messaging app called Fling, which has been out since June. It’s been advertised on Twitter and while there hasn’t been much more in the way of publicity, it seems to be pretty popular: a month into its release, it reportedly had 375,000 downloads and 150 million “flings” sent out. The idea behind Fling is that it’s extremely… Read more →