GOP Turns Bergdahl Into a Benghazi

Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, a POW for five years at the hands of the Taliban, may now face lifetime imprisonment in America for desertion and misbehavior in 2009. The punishment is a complete shift from the two previous military officials’ opinions in September that more prison time for Bergdahl would be “inappropriate”. Monday’s decision to reject the ‘slap on the wrist’ penalty comes from… Read more →

Chloe Sommers Joins the Never Daunted Radio Network In Leadership Role

When the Never Daunted Radio Network went live in 2013, the goal was to produce entertaining content in a 30-minute show. When NeverDaunted.Net went live in May 2014, that goal expanded to creating a presence on the web intended to marry written content with a better-produced show. In the time since we opened our doors, we’ve had solid contributions from… Read more →


James Bond: Rapist

As a character, both literary and in film, James Bond has always been a bit of a gruff chauvinist, but a bizarre sequence in Spectre uncomfortably pushes the envelope from the usual power fantasy into rape. Was it intentional? It should go without saying that everything below qualifies as a spoiler. Venture forth at your own risk. Personally, I’m not… Read more →

the fat jewish

Episode 190: Harpooning the Fat Jew, or, “Primed for Publishing”


On a participation award edition of the Never Daunted Radio Network, Shimbo looks at the New York Times article on the Mosquito Coast known as Amazon Headquarters, and wonders whether or not running a white collar sweatshop is a bad idea. Shimbo also discusses James Harrison’s feelings towards participation trophies and why Harrison just might be doing the right thing… Read more →

Dr. Dre

Dr. Dre’s ‘Compton’: A Gangsta Looks At 50

Compton: A Soundtrack, Dr. Dre’s first album in 16 years, may be little more than corporate hip-hop, but the good doctor still has a few tricks up his sleeve. As he enters his 50th year, Dr. Dre is an elder statesman of the hip-hop game. His days of prowling the streets of Compton, Calif. are long behind him; his ‘hood these… Read more →