Tag: Irony

But Where’s the White Suit? ESPN Lets Ray Lewis Talk About Cover-Ups With a Straight Face

by Shimbo Seriously, what is ESPN trying to prove? As they have throughout the entire Ray Rice affair, the World Wide Leader continues to trot out former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis to give his unique perspective on the league as it pertains to how crime and punishment are dealt with. And he should know. Lewis escaped a murder charge of… Read more →


Today’s Lesson in Irony: California Gun Store Robbed Using Fake Guns

I’m a big fan of irony. My biggest problem as it relates to irony, however, is the fact that many people often confuse irony for coincidence. Luckily for us, every once in awhile, a textbook example of irony comes down the pike to reset our understanding of the word, in hopes that dumber members of society will “get it”. In… Read more →


Shit Out of Luck: In China, a Dropped Call Becomes Deadly

A Chinese family gives the term “Up Shit Creek” a whole new meaning as a woman in Xinxiang City dropped her brand new cell phone when she went to an open-pit toilet, which was directly connected to a cesspit. What unfolded next seemed to be a real life demonstration of what it’s like to be a lemming. First, and probably because he… Read more →

The Killer Inside the NFL: New Indictment Says Hernandez Committed Double Murder While in the League

Do I need to detail the irony for you? Whether or not the NFL or by extension the New England Patriots knew it, according to the indictment just handed down by a Suffolk County Grand Jury, the league was essentially harboring a multiple killer. The same league where people are up in arms about welcoming the first openly gay player, has… Read more →