Tag: Donald Trump


Fear and Loathing on Another Super Tuesday

In the wake of another Super Tuesday where Donald Trump rampaged and Marco Rubio consigned himself to a watery grave, we share a few choice observations Somewhere, Marco Rubio is staring in a mirror after another Super Tuesday defeat. For the first time in months, he recognizes who he sees in the reflection, but it’ll take awhile to be OK… Read more →


Donald Trump is a Coward

By pulling out of this Thursday’s GOP debate, Donald Trump shows a level of pettiness that only reminds voters his campaign is a joke The New York Times confirmed Tuesday evening that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump would sit out Thursday’s debate in Iowa, just days before the Iowa caucuses kick off primary voting. Does it really matter if Trump… Read more →

GOP Turns Bergdahl Into a Benghazi

Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, a POW for five years at the hands of the Taliban, may now face lifetime imprisonment in America for desertion and misbehavior in 2009. The punishment is a complete shift from the two previous military officials’ opinions in September that more prison time for Bergdahl would be “inappropriate”. Monday’s decision to reject the ‘slap on the wrist’ penalty comes from… Read more →

Episode 188: Return to Horsecock Mountain, or, “And Outrage For All”


    The Never Daunted Radio Network is back and hopefully better than ever after a long layoff. This all-new episode kicks off with the story of a man who flew cross country to screw a horse, only to end up getting screwed by the cops. Next, as Donald Trump seeks to offend every Mexican he can on his way… Read more →