Tag: 007


James Bond: Rapist

As a character, both literary and in film, James Bond has always been a bit of a gruff chauvinist, but a bizarre sequence in Spectre uncomfortably pushes the envelope from the usual power fantasy into rape. Was it intentional? It should go without saying that everything below qualifies as a spoiler. Venture forth at your own risk. Personally, I’m not… Read more →

Keeping the British End Up: ‘Kingsman’ Brings Fun Back to Spy Genre

by Shimbo It’s been 38 years since one of the greatest Bond films, 1977’s The Spy Who Loved Me, made its way into theaters and the hearts of Spy Movie fans everywhere. The Bond of today, as well as the Spy genre as a whole, is far more serious, brooding and well-removed from the swinging whimsy of the 60’s and… Read more →